Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thing 4

web 2.0 is one of the greatest inventions for teacher and schools. Like many new ideas and concepts, web 2.0 can allow teachers and students access to many creative and fun ways to put together projects and presentations. Although there are also many silly and "what would I do with that" items to choose from, web 2.0 offers many opportunities to find fun and quick ideas to promote technology within the classroom.

It also allows schools to use their technology dollars for new equipment and not have to keep spending money on new soft ware. The savings can add up quickly within a school year to purchase new items, or improve what they already have.

The down side of web 2.0 is that it is constantly changing and to keep up with it can become a daunting task. The sites are generally easy and quick to access, but it may not be there the next time you want to use it.

I am also concerned with "content overload" and how much of this do we do? As educators we are now looking into teaching how to produce content and somehow come to a happy medium, or somewhere we can say we are content. It can be daunting, but maybe for those who have grown up with a computer in their home most of their lives find accessing this information easier. I know I have a love/hate relationship with technology, and web 2.0 is on the love side.


  1. Keeping up is not even on the radar for me! But I love to learn new things, so I always manage to find something interesting in the world of Web 2.0

  2. I also have that love/hate relationship with technology. When I learn and am comfortable using a specific technology, I think it is exciting and fun. However, it also causes me to be stressful at times which I don't enjoy. I do admit, though, that it is exciting to be able to give the students a project in which they must use technolgy. We then can watch their presentations in class which the students seem to enjoy. As you mentioned, keeping up with technology is so time consuming, and time is something we just don't have enough of.

  3. Well, I was about to say something very similar to what both Jim and Darlene said, so no use in being repetitive. Things are moving so quickly that even my comments can't keep up!!

  4. I wish I could look into my crystal ball to see what Web 2.0 sites would still be around in a few years. My best guess is anything sponsored by Google or Yahoo would be more likely to "stick", but even they have discontinued services that were popular, but not popular enough to justify their expense.
