Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thing 11

Well I made it!!! I really enjoyed this class, although I must admit that I came close to throwing my computer at someone or something. I do not feel I did everything exactly as planned, but I finished. I had a few bumps in the road with the site, and I became a bit frustrated. But here I am, a new year, and much wiser of my knowledge and understanding of web 2.0. I now have to implement these new items right away, because we all know we lose it if we do not use it! That said, I know the Google Docs and slideshare will become something I familiarize myself further. I hope I become more organized and utilize the Delicious account to help me. I believe my colleagues will benefit from this information and we can collaborate and share what we know and what we are learning. My first blog I was very concerned with the safety issue with so much connection to the outside world, I believe I feel better about it because I realize I can utilize these sites, but put in parameters.The challenge is to put this into action, and watch our students shine and amaze us in a whole new way. I hope that I can shine and show that this old dog has few new tricks, and this fat(ish) lady has in no way begun to sing. With those old cliques I will leave my blog now, but I do hope we continue this going and discover many more "things" together.


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thing 10

Here is the web adress to my survey;

Thing 10

Thing 8

I was so excited that I created so much on Google Docs, I forgot to tell you about it. I found this site to be so wonderful. I could make a document, then add sites to go to and fill out notes about what they viewed. I believe I will use this site for many things. I can see this another organizational tool for me and hope to master this area and utilize it for all of my classes. I want to play around more on this site to find out how much more I can find. Maybe in the next 11 things to do with web 2.0.
Thing 9
I created a slideshare from the book Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli. We will be examining this time period in class and I would like the students to read a book depecting the war and what happened. I found that adding the music was hard-I had to eventually do the old fashioned way-insert into my powerpoint-because I could not upload onto slideshare. I broke down after 2 hours of trying So I see the benefit of this, a great way to tell a story, but I will have to become more efficient at to teach it. Although, I am sure many of my students could teach me. I also found it daunting to look at the genocide and I would have to create a file that they could choose from. So how varied would the slide shows become, or would they all have similar looks. I see this as a group project, separating students into groups that would read the same book. There are many to choose from, so I guess it could be done. Like anything you add to your curriculum, you have to test it and see if it works. I know that I will add slideshares to my lectures, and figure a way for my students to utilize this tool. I could also use it for my 6th and 7th graders as a travel brochure for countries.